Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Cut Down, Not Out!

There is so much mixed information out there about which diet is the best and most effective. Unfortunately, the truth is there isn't a quick fix to losing weight. It takes hard work and dedication. These are the most popular myths that I have heard about dieting and what you should know about them! 

1.       Cutting Carbs Out Completely! Carbohydrates are the number 1 source of fuel for your body. Glucose, the sugar in carbohydrates, is what your body uses for energy. The best thing to do is to consume carbohydrates whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low fat dairy products.

2.       Trimming the Fat! Fat is also needed in the body! By cutting out fat completely you are missing some of the key nutrients that your body needs for instance omega 3s. What you should trim down on is the saturated and trans fats and replace those with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Focus on lean meats and low fat dairy, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish such as salmon!

3.       Loading up on Diet drinks! Diet drinks shouldn’t be considered on the same level as water. Loading up on artificial sweeteners isn’t the way to go. Try crystal light if you don’t like the taste of water, but you should definitely replace the diet drinks with WATER!

4.       Last but not least skipping breakfast! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Usually it has been at least 8 hours by the time you wake up since the last thing that you have put in your body. You metabolism actually slows down when you skip breakfast because your body goes into starvation mode! Even if you don’t have time to make breakfast grab a protein shake and a granola bar. Something is better than nothing!

You have to put effort into eating healthy to see the results you want. I challenge you to give up one thing, whether it is the fries that you eat twice a week or the multiple sodas that you drink throughout the day. To achieve the best results, you need to make lifestyle changes- one step at a time.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Eating Healthy During the Holidays

It's that time of year again. You look forward to it all year, but are you ready to throw all the healthy eating habits out the door?
Here is a disturbing statistic:
Thanksgiving meals are typically between 3000-5000 calories! That is over double what is recommended for the average person to consume a day.

What can we do? What is the first thing that you think of when Thanksgiving is mentioned?
Well, it's time to shift the focus. Thanksgiving should be focused on being thankful for the people around you and spending time with the people that you care about. Shift the focus away from the food, towards the social aspect on these holidays.
There are things that you can do to prevent you from stuffing your face and putting yourself into a food coma.
What to do before the feast?

  • drink lots of water
  • eat a small snack before you go to a party or the thanksgiving feast, so you aren't starving when you get there
  • offer to bring a healthy dish with you
  • scope out the options before making your selections
  • plan ahead- if you know you are going to have a piece of pie, cut down on the main dish!
Tips to avoid overeating

  • eat breakfast
  • fill up on veggies
  • chew slowly
  • know when you are satisfied
  • go easy on the servings- you only need a small taste of each dish
Modify your recipes

  • take off the turkey skin
  • use egg whites or egg substitutes instead of whole eggs
  • substitute applesauce instead of oil
  • use reduced-fat or light options in recipes
  • add vegetables to bulk up the recipe without adding a substantial amount of calories
What to do after the feast?

  • avoid the food coma and don't sit down on the couch
  • clean up- wash the dishes
  • play with the kids
  • go for a walk with the family
I will be posting some healthy alternative recipes soon, so stay tuned! :)